I actually managed to do a bit of editing today and get a few more chapters typed up and put on authonomy. Hopefully I'll be in the mood to do some more tomorrow. I need to crack on with it. I still have typos and grammar mistakes no matter how hard I try. I wish there was a computer chip they could store in my head that would tell me where to put commas, colons etc. There's just not enough time in the day to do everything I want. I want to get the mass editing done, read my grammar/punctuation books, and read my fiction books I have 20 that I want to read stuck on my bookshelf. If only I could read and write faster.
XJH Book Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Category : Books,Religion & Spirituality,New Age & Spirituality,Shamanism
5 years ago
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