As you can see I've, been lazy again and, not wrote on here for a while(5 months tut tut).
If you've seen my, Megan's thirty, blog before you'll notice I've updated the blog layout, photo's etc.
The colour's now match the cover of Megan's thirty; what do you think?
If you're wondering what i have been up to, in the last month, well I've been to a few places. In April i took a trip with my fiancee to Edinburgh. While there we visited the castle, Botanical gardens and the zoo. Then in May we visited Chester zoo, again, with my Nephew. More recently (last Saturday) i threw a baby shower for my friend who is due to give birth on July 3rd, see photo above.
As for my writing, i know i said in January that i would be sending out Megan's thirty to agent's but i haven't yet. I am hoping to sort myself out and send it out this week, so fingers crossed.
Thanks for dropping by xx
XJH Book Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Category : Books,Religion & Spirituality,New Age & Spirituality,Shamanism
5 years ago
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