Hello campers,
I've been busy working hard on Megan's Thirty, recently and, it's nearly at the stage where I'll start sending it to agents. I've put the updated version on Authonomy so, if you have time, go take a look and comment please. All that needs sorting out now is the dreaded, punctuation. I've bought a copy of Eats, shoots and leaves, by Lynne Truss, which I'll blog about later. It's a really good book and some of it has actually sunk in, hooray.
XJH Book Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Category : Books,Religion & Spirituality,New Age & Spirituality,Shamanism
5 years ago
Best of luck. Let me know how it goes. :)
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