Friday, 30 March 2012

A year too long

Wow! I haven't written on here for a whole year; where has the time gone? The worse thing about it being a year is i haven't made any progress in that time. I started writing Megan's Thirty four years ago and I really can't believe it has been that long. In that time, considering I want to get published, I have only sent out my manuscript to one literacy agency. I know, I hear you! you're thinking what an idiot I am; well no more. It's time to get my arse in gear. I've entered a competition on Novelicious  called Novelicious undiscovered. Details can be found here:

I'm really hoping they like my first 3000 words and pick me for the top 20 to be show-cased, fingers crossed. I just don't know how I can cope waiting to see who they pick.