Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Another agent bites the dust

I received a rejection from LAW today. It's a nice letter though with some kind comments; it reads as follows.

"Dear Melissa,

Thank you so much for giving us the chance to consider your material but I am sorry to say that I do not think we are the right agency to represent your work. You write movingly, and it's clear that your own experiences have helped you develop a thought- provoking and authentic character in Megan. Unfortunately we feel that your work is not quite right for us.

Please do not be too discouraged and we wish you the very best of luck as you go forward with your writing."

I'd love it if just one agency asked to see the rest of my manuscript as I feel three chapters is not enough to base an opinion on. Eight more agents to go.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

More Rejection

This time Judith Murdoch has rejected me :(. She sent a nice email (my novel was not returned with a letter because of insufficient postage. surely if sent I'd pay for it.) saying she is a small agency and didn't feel enthusiastic enough about Megan, to take me on. She also wished me luck; which is kind. I wanted to keep my rejection letters in a file so I might print the email off. Two down nine more to go.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Rejection again for Megan

Just received an email rejection from Diane Banks associates, boooooooooooooooo. I got just a two line rejection. Oh well 10 more agents to go lets hope one of them see my potential.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Eleanor Prescott Review- Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating

Looking for love? Call in the expert. Alice Brown is a matchmaker, and as far as she's concerned, she has the best job in the world. What could be better than helping others find love? Even if she herself remains single... Her latest client is Kate. She's already five years behind in her life plan and she knows exactly what she wants, but that might be the problem. Will anyone measure up to her standards? Then there's Audrey, Alice's misguided boss from hell, who has somehow managed to bag herself the perfect husband. But all is not as it seems. And when her love life and work life collide, will she be able to take her own advice?

Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating is Eleanor Prescott's Debut novel. I discovered Eleanor through and looked her up on Facebook. Graciously she excepted my friend request, we got chatting and she offered to send me a copy of Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating and i'm pleased she did.

Alice Brown, is interestingly set out; each chapter is set out under the characters name. The story is told in the third person but it concentrates on a character at a time. I found it hard to get into this book to start with, if I'm honest, it took about 100 pages or so. I wasn't really sure where the story was going, there seemed to be more than one protagonist with Alice, Audrey and Kate. 

I liked Alice as a character with her positive romantic outlook on life. Sometimes though she seemed a bit of a wet lettuce which I'm not fond of in a female character; but she was a good character none the less. I also liked Audrey she's a bit of a harsh character but you come to sympathise with her throughout the book. Especially having to deal with Sheryl her business arch enemy. John the love interest was a nice character i liked how his job linked him Alice and Audrey together. I didn't think much of kate to start with but she grew on me as she discovered that you never find your perfect man or what you think is perfect.  Kate was supposed to be nearly 35 but she always seemed a lot older than that as she was written. Kate's friend Lou seemed like an unnecessary character; there didn't seem to be a reason for her in the storyline. If anything my favourite character was Johns daughter Emily who didn't really have much of a part.

I thought the flower sending from John to Alice was a lovely touch a lot nicer than red roses and very romantic. The funniest part was Audrey getting her own back on Alice's bike that really made me laugh.

Overall this is a good read and I'm sure a lot of chick lit/Women's fiction readers will enjoy it.

I give Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating 3.5/5

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Novelicious- Just a dream

 Well, I didn't get picked for the top 20 which is very disappointing. Good luck to the lucky 20.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Novelicious competition

Following my previous blog post; the Novelicious competition has now closed. They have had over 200 entrants; which is a lot of stiff competition for me. Now, the judging team has to go through the entrants work and narrow it down to 20 entrants by 24th April.. It's going to be a lottery whether I get picked or not; I just have to hope that, most of ,the other entrants stories are rubbish, lol (no offence my fellow competitors),

Friday, 30 March 2012

A year too long

Wow! I haven't written on here for a whole year; where has the time gone? The worse thing about it being a year is i haven't made any progress in that time. I started writing Megan's Thirty four years ago and I really can't believe it has been that long. In that time, considering I want to get published, I have only sent out my manuscript to one literacy agency. I know, I hear you! you're thinking what an idiot I am; well no more. It's time to get my arse in gear. I've entered a competition on Novelicious  called Novelicious undiscovered. Details can be found here:

I'm really hoping they like my first 3000 words and pick me for the top 20 to be show-cased, fingers crossed. I just don't know how I can cope waiting to see who they pick.