Well I've been busy-ish over the last couple of weeks writing wise. I've just finished reading See Jane date which is another book about how to write chick lit. I found this book really useful. It has tips by published writers and is written by a published author and editor. I'd recommend it to any women fiction writers.
The next book on my list is A novel in a year. I've only just started it so I'll let you know what i think of that one.
I've just printed out my whole novel Megan's thirty in order to go through it highlighting and post-it noting it for spelling mistakes, grammar, repetition, cliches and deleting anything that doesn't feel right like characters or parts of the plot. To be honest I'm dreading it, when i saw how thick it was i got a big shock. I still have to write the prologue and epilogue yet, as well as possibly a new chapter one. It really is the never ending story.
XJH Book Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Ayahuasca: Exploration of Consciousness Through Plant Medicine
Category : Books,Religion & Spirituality,New Age & Spirituality,Shamanism
5 years ago
Maybe I can cheer you up... You won and award! Well deserved. Pick it up here...
Rebecca x
that was meant to read 'an' award btw - but that's not the important bit. Congratulations. I wrote my reasons on my blog.
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