Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Another agent bites the dust

I received a rejection from LAW today. It's a nice letter though with some kind comments; it reads as follows.

"Dear Melissa,

Thank you so much for giving us the chance to consider your material but I am sorry to say that I do not think we are the right agency to represent your work. You write movingly, and it's clear that your own experiences have helped you develop a thought- provoking and authentic character in Megan. Unfortunately we feel that your work is not quite right for us.

Please do not be too discouraged and we wish you the very best of luck as you go forward with your writing."

I'd love it if just one agency asked to see the rest of my manuscript as I feel three chapters is not enough to base an opinion on. Eight more agents to go.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

More Rejection

This time Judith Murdoch has rejected me :(. She sent a nice email (my novel was not returned with a letter because of insufficient postage. surely if sent I'd pay for it.) saying she is a small agency and didn't feel enthusiastic enough about Megan, to take me on. She also wished me luck; which is kind. I wanted to keep my rejection letters in a file so I might print the email off. Two down nine more to go.