Friday, 15 May 2009

Paper edit

Well I've now finished editing the rest of Megan's thirty on paper. So it's time to transfer onto the computer.
I have a feeling it's going to take ages and be a big job. I'm so looking forward to the day it's finished and i can start contacting agents. I'm dying to get going on the next book i have an idea and title and everything. I actually have ideas for another six books if only i could work faster.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Oh my God

I've noticed while I've been editing Megan's thirty on paper that i tend to write oh my god or oh god a lot. I'm going to have to think of something similar to say or rename the book Oh my god lol.

I've got quite a bit of editing done on paper now, thirty chapters. I've got about another 15-20 chapters to do then i need to get it typed up on the puter and see where i go from there.

No rest for the wicked.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Back to it

Well after a week off writing due to my lovely fiancee being off work on his holiday's it's back to it i go. I've got a lot of editing to do and I'm in a procrastinating mood not good. Hopefully I'll get somewhere this week fingers crossed.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Mid book crisis

After my wobble yesterday I'm now back on track with Megan's thirty panic over. It's just such hard work and it gets the better of me sometimes. I'm a very impatient person so i wish my book was written like yesterday.